Gingival Flap Surgery Might Be Needed to Treat Severe Periodontal Disease

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The chronic presence of tartar near the gumline can easily contribute to the periodontal inflammation condition which is commonly known as gingivitis. Without professional treatment and improvements in your daily oral hygiene habits, it could worsen into the severe form of periodontal disease, which is known as periodontitis.

Left untreated this level of gum infection can gradually cause your gums to recede from your teeth. As their relationship starts to separate small pockets of infection form in your gums near the roots of your teeth. Over time this level of gum infection can eventually cause the loss of multiple teeth. In some of these cases, an effective treatment plan for remediating periodontitis complications is to have Dr. Kamy Noruzi perform a gingival flap surgery.

It is a special type of oral surgery that can be performed on an outpatient basis and usually requires full sedation. You will need to arrange for a ride home while the sedative effect gradually dissipates. During the gingival flap surgery, Dr. Kamy Noruzi will make a minute incision in the periodontal tissues near the infected tissues. This will provide him with direct access to any infected material near the roots of your teeth.

Once these areas have been cleaned he will some your healthy gum tissues over the base of your teeth. Aftercare will likely include Dr. Kamy Noruzi providing you with a prescription for antibiotics, pain management or an anti-inflammatory medication. This will help to remove all traces of infection from your periodontal tissues and help you remain comfortable through the recovery process.

If you live in the Geneva, Illinois, area and you have been struggling with chronic gum health problems, you should call 630-232-7400 to seek treatment at Fox River Periodontics, PC today!