The chronic presence of tartar near the gumline can easily contribute to the periodontal inflammation condition which is commonly known as gingivitis. Without professional treatment and improvements in your daily oral hygiene habits, it could worsen into the severe form of periodontal disease, which is known as periodontitis. Left untreated this level of gum infection can gradually cause your gums... read more »
Tooth sensitivity has been defined as an achy stimulation of the pearly whites. Thankfully, it can be treated with at-home products. While we endorse visiting our office to address the sensitivity, these bits of advice can be great supplementary measures. Multiple toothpastes are labeled and marketed to be used for treating dentin hypersensitivity; such toothpastes regularly contain potassium and can... read more »
There are two kinds of tooth extractions: surgical and simple. A surgical extraction is needed for impacted wisdom teeth and requires the removal and repair of gum tissue and bone. A simple extraction is needed for a damaged tooth that cannot be repaired, to relieve tooth crowding in your mouth, or to make room for orthodontics. After an extraction, a... read more »
Gum disease can give you bad breath, and it can also cost you your teeth, and cause problems with your jaws. But did you know that if your gum disease is not treated, you could be at risk for respiratory problems, heart disease, heart attack or a stroke, premature birth, dementia, and complications with diabetes? There are multiple causes of... read more »
Do you know what a periodontist does? Well, Dr. Kamy Noruzi and our expert team at Fox River Periodontics, PC are happy to tell you about it as well as prepare you for your first visit. A periodontist is a dentist who has received extra training in order to treat the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, the placement... read more »
It is important that you are aware of gum disease and the risks it poses to your smile. Gum disease is a dangerous, yet common oral infection that affects numerous people all around the world. Gum disease can have profound consequences if left untreated, including permanent tooth loss. Listed below are the symptoms of gum disease and what to watch... read more »
Have you ever speculated as to what the dangers that acidic foods can have on your teeth are? Even though we might not think of our teeth being easily worn down by the foods and drinks we consume, the truth is dental erosion often poses tremendous risks to your smile than physical trauma due to oral accidents or injuries. Listed... read more »
Think you know all about cavities, huh? But have you ever really learned about them? You can fill your cavity knowledge with this post. Dental cavities, which are sometimes referred to as dental caries or tooth decay, are spots where bacteria have eaten away at teeth and left gaps. When you don’t brush your teeth enough, bacteria from food chomp... read more »
Not all oral ailments are due to harmful acids within your mouth. Oftentimes, the decisions you make in the physical world, especially as a teenager, can lead to negative consequences with your smile and your oral health. With the coming of age begins the age of responsibility in making the correct decisions to protect yourself and your smile, even if... read more »
Bone grafting may be needed to improve your oral health care. In some cases, bone grafting treatments can help strengthen your jaw and make it a viable option for multiple dental services and procedures. The benefits of bone grafting include the following: - From the AAOMS, also called the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, it is said that... read more »