When a tooth is severely damaged by dental trauma or compromised by severe tooth decay, there might not be enough healthy structure remaining in the root to treat it with periodontal therapy. In these extreme cases, Dr. Kamy Noruzi’s only viable treatment option might be to extract the tooth at his Geneva, Illinois clinic.
This will help ease the pain and prevent a dangerous infection from spreading to your gums and bloodstream. Quality aftercare measures will speed the healing process, and reduce your chances of suffering complications that could delay a future dental restoration.
It’s important to understand that even occasional tobacco use can irritate the gums, which could significantly increase your recovery time. At the same time, it also increases your chances of suffering a serious infection. If you’re a tobacco user, you might want to talk to your primary physician in advance of the extraction to find a cessation program. If possible, try to choose an option that doesn’t include nicotine gum or lozenges.
During the recovery process, you will need to stick to eating a soft foods diet or eat on the other side of your mouth from the extraction site. Proper hydration is also important, just try to avoid drinking through a straw, as it could potentially pull blot clots loose from the extraction site.
Any prescription antibiotics or pain management medication instructions will be covered by Dr. Kamy Noruzi during your consultation session.
If you’ve had a tooth extracted at Dr. Kamy Noruzi’s Geneva, Illinois clinic and you have recovery and aftercare questions, you can always call 630-232-7400 to seek further advice.